The field of Image Arts is continually expanding day by day. This is a result of the expansion of the field of video through the evolution of technology, and also because growth and changes continue to progress in terms of both expression and media. The 4K and 8K TV video made possibly by digital transmission technology, as well as the central elements of internet communications, are now video. A variety of different mobile devices can now be used to view video footage anywhere, and this and other environmental factors are already being applied by all kinds of people to a wide range of situations.
In the midst of this environment, the Image Arts course leverages the distinctive features of the Photography, Cinema, and Broadcasting departments at Nihon University College of Art, and rather than consisting of research and creation which is simply affected by the current ideal video environment, the course instead uses historical changes, their significance, and theoretical considerations as its foundations. By implementing research into theory and expression which adapts to the day to day progress and change in this field in combination with film production, this graduate course of study in Image Arts achieves a form that is only possible here at the Nihon University College of Art.
Purposes of Education and Research
Within the information environment and arts of today, video art and media have applications which cross over a variety of fields, and they also fulfill a composite role. On the other hand, photography, cinema, and broadcasting media remain as independent as they have been in the past, carrying out their functions within a fixed area.
The Image Arts course is run by a group of professors who understand this dual nature, and the curriculum is structured with it in mind in order to nurture specialized researchers who will carry out initiatives with innovative perspectives and creative professionals who will seek out new forms of expression through enthusiastic initiatives and devote themselves to energetic production activities. In this way, the program aims to give form to a new comprehensive research field.
Conditions for Completion
- Enrollment for at least two years or more and completion of at least 30 credits in accordance with the regulations for coursework.
- Submission of a dissertation and achieving a passing score for the final review and exam.
- Full payment of the tuition required by the regulations.